Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Сity ​​news.

This is one of the walkways of the city under reconstruction on EU money (the marble slabs for paving were imported all the way from Italy!).
Reconstruction has dragged on for the third summer for us, outside the windows of the apartment that is our home.
It would seem so simple:
- money no object,
- with high unemployment in the country - unlimited choice of labour!
What more could you want! But NO!
Yesterday local news explained that the company that started the contract did not meet expectations, and just the other day was replaced by another contractor according to a tender. When will the work be completed? - Asked the reporter. The answer: "After 6 months".
And today in our city it began to rain. My husband went to the balcony and looked at the vacant site and said: "After 6 months...plus one day!"
The British sense of humour bordering on sarcasm. ... sarcasm, timing, and wit - a dry sense of humour!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Tarte Aux Pommes.

Made by me, Brian, in Visaginas, Lithuania.
- Pâté Sucrée Recipe - French Sweet Pastry Crust Recipe;
- Creme Patissiere (Pastry Cream) Recipe.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Thursday, 2 August 2012